Saturday, October 29, 2005

Phones for You, 3, Nokia - repair saga

I recently bought a new cell phone, it's a lovely phone built by Nokia (a 6680) on the 3 network. I dumped my previous provider Orange because they took almost 2 months to do a simple phone repair. Now my new phone is giving me trouble, and the fun begins.

I specifically bought one based on Symbian because the Orange Microsoft one kept hanging. Nothing new with Microsoft there I suppose. Now the Nokia keeps rebooting itself or turning itself off for no reason, sometimes in the middle of a call.

When I bought the phone I was told that 3 would give me a three day turnaround on repairs. Great, anything has to be better than 2 months. Right? Well, 3 have now said they do not support the Nokia! Right, back to Phones 4 You, their service is 28 days, they won't give out a replacement phone, won't even unlock an old phone I have so I can just swap the SIMs. This is a terrible service. I would never recomend Phones 4 You to anyone after this.

Now, I have a contract with Phones 4 You, the next time it happens I'm going to be right back to the store and demanding they fulfill the contract they agreed with me when I took the phone. They did clean the absolutely spotless battery contacts as per the repair script, so I have to wait for it to happen again before I can complain in 'anger'.

I'll keep you informed. I feel an email to Watchdog coming on all of a sudden.

What is it about spammers?

Do spammers really think that ticking off a blogger by messing up his posts is going to generate more business?

It's bad enough by email never mind this as well now. I'll leave the spam on the previous post, just so everyone can see what tossers they are. Rather than having an open forum, I've now closed it such that only registered members can post. These morons have already screwed up email, the rest of the internet is now game for them as well.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Been busy the past few months and kind of forgot about this

Let's try and keep up with it this time.

I'm trying out Flock as a blog manager so with the combination of new technology it'll give me something to play with

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Ok, it's not my favourite pub chain, but JD Wetherspoon has announced that they are going to be making all their pubs none smoking by the spring of 2006. Some 60 of them are going to be non-smoking by spring this year. Fantastic news!

I was in the one in Horsham this Christmas, and it was awful, the small non-smoking area was packed out, and there was a fug right across the main open plan bar area, it just wasn’t healthy. I complained to the manager about him not having the ventilation system working and he said it was going full blast and he’d had lots of complaints about it not just mine.

So kudos to the Mr. Martin. Maybe they will lose a few smokers, but people I know will frequent them more often, people who have been known to walk out of smoky pubs and get a few beers in to drink at home rather than put up with not being able to breath all night

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The first day

as in the rest of my life.

A quick update first, I was made redundant just over a year a go, and have applied for hundreds upon hundreds of jobs since then. I've almost now given up on getting a full time job now and am going after setting up my own business.

I do voluntary work for a couple of local charities, which I’d like to continue, and see this as a niche market not targeted by any of the bigger consultancies.

Unfortunatly I'm about to be made homeless, and with no car, no income, loads of stuff, and nowhere to go things could start to get more interesting.