Monday, February 05, 2007

Fraudulent Psychic Tries to Pull Website

Yes, it's that old fraud Sylvia Browne, maybe getting too much heat from people like Randi, she's now trying to get a critical website pulled.

Come on Sylvia, you're nothing but a liar! You promised to take the JREF challenge, put your money where your mouth is!

Rev. BigDumbChimp: OH NOES!! Sylvia Browne threatens suit of Stop Syliva Browne

This fraud charges $2100/hour for psychic readings! Yes, you didn't mis-read that, that's per hour, not per day. If she can work for 7 hours/day that'll be $14,000/day for fraud. Nice work if you can get it.

If Google Ads place adverts relating to Sylvia here, please free free to click on them, each one costs her money.

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