Monday, March 12, 2007

Strange pricing structures

I run my own business, and I know just how hard it is to get new clients, it's much easier to keep the ones I have happy than to recruit new ones.

This brings me onto mobile phone companies' pricing structures. I've got to the end of my contract with 3 and wanted to renegotiate my contract with them. On the whole I've been happy with the service, I'm a non-demanding user really. My requirements are for a phone I can make/receive calls, send/receive SMSs and it has to be able to synchronize both ways with my email and calender.

3 have some fantastic deals going for *new* customers, but they totally neglect their current ones. None of the deals are for existing users. I needed a new phone, would have been happy with something similar to what I have now, and wanted their 18month 1/2 price contract as they offer new customers. Oh no! Go into the 3 shop and it's "brand new customers only sir!". Best they could offer was a non-smart phone and 6 months of an 18 month contract at 1/2 price. So I'm paying for their new customers out of my pocket.

No wonder 3 have one of the highest churns in the industry.

I'm off to Orange tomorrow to sign up for an SPV.

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