Thursday, May 07, 2009


Well, today Simon Singh lost his preliminary hearing on a defamation case brought by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) because of an article he published in The Guardian (since removed from their web site).

Fortunately, the original BCA advertising material has be archived in case they attempted to change it. Here is what the BCA claims its members can do.

"There is evidence to show that chiropractic care has helped children with the following symptoms:
Asthma, Colic, Prolonged crying Sleep and feeding problems, Breathing difficulties, Hyperactivity, Bedwetting, Frequent infections, especially in the ears"

Well very nice claims, no frigging evidence to show how cracking-bones is going to cure any of these things. This just stinks of the BCA shutting down a world renowned science writer to cover their arses. The judge was probably one of the worse that Simon could have asked foe. Mr. Justice Eady, who has ruled some strange rulings in the past - Max Mosley has the right to privacy when he is strutting round shouting in German brandishing a whip with a few prostitutes, a gagging order on the husband of a wife who ran off with a celebrity, well you can Google for yourselves.

Frankly we might as well give up on science now and let the lunatics run the asylum. Just wait until the homoeopaths and the mad Prince get a hold of this, all opposition to quackery will be shut down and we'll go back to rubbing in spit, mud and leaches.

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